The discourse has a few pitfalls for the unfamiliar. And since our glorious leaders haven’t made participation in pride parades mandatory yet, if you’re truly offended, you could just stay home. On the other hand, queer sexuality is often seen as inherently transgressive, and pride is a time of year when those relationships can be celebrated after many years of social and legal repression. Children can’t consent to see sexy things, and plenty of people simply don’t want to. The question is whether LGBT people should tone down the visible sexuality at Pride celebrations, in order to make the event more family-friendly. Although “kink” is simply a kind of fun sex, in the context of this discourse it usually refers to leather gear or fetish wear. “No kink at pride” is a discourse that recurs every June, and has done so for decades. Happy Pride Month everyone! Extremist right-wing Telegram channels are using the 'no kink at pride' discourse to push a number of antigay, transphobic, and even antisemitic narratives.